ruthietoots: Day One, observing life in Montpellier
ruthietoots: Lane in the Old City
ruthietoots: Lemons in a secret garden
ruthietoots: Let's live together -- with our differences
ruthietoots: Landing
ruthietoots: Reading in Place Peyrou
ruthietoots: The busy staircase at Les Arceaux
ruthietoots: Busy because of this market
ruthietoots: A charming street near Les Arceaux
ruthietoots: In the market
ruthietoots: A former entrance to Montpellier's Botanical Garden
ruthietoots: The garden has always been part of the university
ruthietoots: He had befriended a British woman who stopped to say hello
ruthietoots: Walking with Papa on a hot day
ruthietoots: Looks like it's in the agapanthus family
ruthietoots: Reading
ruthietoots: Acanthus in blossom
ruthietoots: Stopping for the first of many sparkling waters on this trip
ruthietoots: There was an art show in the same square
ruthietoots: Now home to enjoy my purchase from the market
ruthietoots: Not quite the same Zooba as in Cairo
ruthietoots: One morning I breakfasted near this old cinema
ruthietoots: Your world is as big as the languages you speak
ruthietoots: Just another lane in Vieux Montpellier
ruthietoots: Manuel by Daniel Hofer, the image on the exhibit poster
ruthietoots: The exhibit was on voice, here a bit unnerving
ruthietoots: Just your average window box ornament
ruthietoots: Wonder if the wall art was for the music festival
ruthietoots: A most remarkable entry to Montpellier's cathedral
ruthietoots: The church is connected to the medical school