ruthietoots: Light in its 19th century glory
ruthietoots: About the Winter Palace gardens
ruthietoots: Morning in the Old Winter Palace garden
ruthietoots: The garden includes trees from many places... I know the papaya from Senegal
ruthietoots: Blooms from the red silk floss tree on the Old Winter Palace lawn
ruthietoots: Looking toward my room
ruthietoots: One of the ram-headed sphinxes that lined the road to Luxor Temple
ruthietoots: The Hypostyle Hall's 134 columns once supported a sandstone slab roof
ruthietoots: Cartouches of pharoahs and carvings of the Theban gods, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu predominate on the columns
ruthietoots: The obelisk of Tuthmosis II behind our guide
ruthietoots: Apparently lit by clerestory windows
ruthietoots: Ramses II with the boxes representing the years of his long reign
ruthietoots: Ihab and Maria discussing the Sacred Lake
ruthietoots: The obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut
ruthietoots: This fellow let us into a closed off area after being tipped for a photo
ruthietoots: Presumably insufficiently restored to be open to visitors
ruthietoots: What 3000-year-old paint looks like
ruthietoots: In the oldest central court, looking back to the entrance
ruthietoots: Pharoahs sometimes gouged out their predecessors
ruthietoots: Now back in the forecourt of Karnak
ruthietoots: A last look back at the Temple of Karnak
ruthietoots: Coptic graffiti at the entrance to Luxor Temple
ruthietoots: The mosque of Abu Haggag is now built above the Court of Ramses II
ruthietoots: About restoration of the Great Colonnade Hall
ruthietoots: Early Christian murals from a 4th c Coptic church inside the temple
ruthietoots: Scenes of the Opet Festival run around the walls of the Court of Amenhotep III
ruthietoots: Currently blocked by modern streets, the roadway between Karnak and Luxor temples is being restored
ruthietoots: Sphinxes with slightly varied faces of Pharoah Amenhotep III
ruthietoots: Formerly, a basha owned this villa that looks toward Luxor's West Bank and the Valley of the Kings
ruthietoots: Luxor taxi stand