ruthietoots: Gracing our workspace as we prepared our talk for the 2015 Nile TESOL conference
ruthietoots: Tulips from Fiona & Mona
ruthietoots: RELO Assistant Bassem answering questions at the 2015 Nile TESOL conference
ruthietoots: EL Specialist Leslie Opp-Beckman leads a workshop on using technology in English teaching
ruthietoots: RELO Ruth with Access alumni after their presentation on how the program changed their lives
ruthietoots: Dr. Leslie giving a plenary on ELT in the Web 3.0 world
ruthietoots: EL Specialist Dr. Leslie's plenary on ELT in the future
ruthietoots: Note taking in the 21st century
ruthietoots: Dr. Leslie concluding her plenary with this graphic
ruthietoots: Teachers looking at photos before our presentation on the NIS-RELO-BC project
ruthietoots: Fiona's part of the talk included pair work
ruthietoots: Dr. Ruth at the booth
ruthietoots: Leslie speaking in the closing panel discussion
ruthietoots: Enjoying learning with Dr. Leslie
ruthietoots: Who knew learning could be such fun
ruthietoots: Learning a new class management technique
ruthietoots: This is one very engaged class!
ruthietoots: Write down two things she loves
ruthietoots: Writing answers in the form of a poem
ruthietoots: Circulating during group work
ruthietoots: Find someone who...
ruthietoots: Dr. Leslie admiring how well the teachers were doing this activity
ruthietoots: Big smiles during the Find Someone Who activity
ruthietoots: Selfie with the pre-service teachers
ruthietoots: Dr. Leslie gave each participant a book and other materials
ruthietoots: The end of a great program with English teachers and trainees from Hurghada and Al Gouna
ruthietoots: Leslie and Ruth in Al Gouna
ruthietoots: Leslie, Amira, and Ruth in Al Gouna
ruthietoots: With Dr. Mohamed, one of our hosts
ruthietoots: Providing a bit of encouragement - photo by Leslie