ruthietoots: Thanksgiving dinner as picnic at Woodcrest
ruthietoots: Cousins' brunch at the very popular Founding Farmers in DC
ruthietoots: Love the tree! A new sculpture spotted on my post-brunch walk
ruthietoots: Remarkably given the great weather, I still went into the National Gallery
ruthietoots: I've always meant to photograph these panels telling how the museum began
ruthietoots: Morattico, one of my first destinations driving around the Neck area of Virginia
ruthietoots: Across the street, a beach house from the good old days
ruthietoots: Almost idyllic -- Reedville, I think
ruthietoots: The romantic Essex Inn, even more romantic by moonlight
ruthietoots: The day it rained, I went to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts... and was very happily surprised by their 19th c collection
ruthietoots: I love stained glass, especially from this period
ruthietoots: Tiffany's work was well represented
ruthietoots: The most Tiffany lamps I've seen in one place!
ruthietoots: The VMFA collection was broad too, including German and Austrian work... and a good introductory panel
ruthietoots: And American
ruthietoots: The collection extended into the Art Deco period too
ruthietoots: An art deco apartment in Paris
ruthietoots: The breakfast room at The Essex Inn
ruthietoots: By good luck, I visited Menokin the same day as a journalist and got a behind-the-scenes tour
ruthietoots: A sample of the 'transparent' restoration they are doing
ruthietoots: The Menokin project site
ruthietoots: About Menokin's exterior
ruthietoots: About Menokin's punkah
ruthietoots: The Menokin vision
ruthietoots: Westmoreland State Park (opened in 1936) was beautiful, even on this gray day
ruthietoots: A moment of rest
ruthietoots: Westmoreland Park
ruthietoots: Unbothered by my presence
ruthietoots: I stumbled upon George Washington's birthplace
ruthietoots: Looks like a mix of Mount Vernon and the Washington Monument