ruthietoots: Planning projects in FELT 2014
ruthietoots: Shadi takes notes about their plan
ruthietoots: Adapting Action Pack to be more learner friendly
ruthietoots: We have 23 teachers at FELT this year
ruthietoots: Talking with Brigitte about ongoing professional development
ruthietoots: In the end, this group decides to start a professional community with only those who are interested
ruthietoots: Wafaa presenting her group's proposal
ruthietoots: Maysaa's group advocates for professional development groups in each part of Jordan
ruthietoots: Deciding which proposal to vote for
ruthietoots: That would be fun!
ruthietoots: Expressing opinions
ruthietoots: Still no consensus
ruthietoots: Megan creating the FELT course review
ruthietoots: Breaktime discussion
ruthietoots: Anoud scribbles down their answer
ruthietoots: Cooperative Learning for 500
ruthietoots: A risk-taking group -- all the 500-level questions are gone!
ruthietoots: Mohammad notes what Wafaa is saying
ruthietoots: Brigitte keeping score
ruthietoots: Rana listens to the hot debate
ruthietoots: Hamzeh was eager to answer, even when it wasn't his group's turn
ruthietoots: Final Jeopardy tension
ruthietoots: Debating what to write
ruthietoots: Trying to recall the right answer
ruthietoots: What's your answer
ruthietoots: And the winners are... 'Donut Factory!'
ruthietoots: Team 'Donut Factory' select their prizes
ruthietoots: FELT Review Jeopardy scores
ruthietoots: Winners of the 'Best Board Game'