ruthietoots: Brigitte and Othman hosted a farewell dinner for me on the terrace of his mother's home
ruthietoots: Dinner with contributions from everyone
ruthietoots: Okay, let's cover up the kefta
ruthietoots: Megan, Ruth, and Salwa about to dig in
ruthietoots: The women (and Yousef) at my first farewell dinner
ruthietoots: And now a good mint tea
ruthietoots: Look! More helicopters
ruthietoots: Some of the many people I will miss from my time here
ruthietoots: Sunset is upon us
ruthietoots: And the flowers take on a warmer color
ruthietoots: When I walked up to the roof, I smelled the cookout and heard these bells ringing... not my usual Amman evening
ruthietoots: Andrea trying so hard to light the sparkler in the wind
ruthietoots: Bewitched, but a bit wary
ruthietoots: Kids still going strong
ruthietoots: Girls' photo
ruthietoots: The guys' turn
ruthietoots: Finishing with fireworks... for Jordan's holiday, not our party
ruthietoots: Brigitte's photo - All of us at the evening's end
ruthietoots: Making the Access 10th anniversary video -- here at Jordan University of Science & Technology
ruthietoots: Sorting out things for Syrian refugees
ruthietoots: Everything up from storage in preparation to move
ruthietoots: The impossible arrangement
ruthietoots: My favorite place to read
ruthietoots: How the wadi has changed in my three years here!
ruthietoots: Between the new houses and the new highway sheep continue to graze
ruthietoots: Early one May morning
ruthietoots: Coffee in the quiet of early morning
ruthietoots: Green, gold, and lavender
ruthietoots: Morning sun in the hall
ruthietoots: To make fatet beitinjan, fry eggplant, onions, tomato, and spices and spread over torn pita bread