ruthietoots: My last official trip to Lebanon began by having dinner with CAO Lisa at Beled in Jounieh
ruthietoots: We arrived in time for sunset over the Mediterranean
ruthietoots: That evening I lost a favorite earring -- happily, it was found the next day
ruthietoots: We had meze, the usuals plus a beet & orange salad
ruthietoots: Remarkably, Beled, my last restaurant in Lebanon, was next door to my first restaurant in Lebanon
ruthietoots: Moon over Jounieh
ruthietoots: Love at first _____ she said, trying to get her team mate to say 'sight.' Alas, it didn't work.
ruthietoots: Reviewing vocabulary with the Aamchit Access class before reading them 'The Giving Tree'
ruthietoots: Four fun faces
ruthietoots: Always interesting to see which books are selected and which are not
ruthietoots: The best came last -- she sang Fairouz beautifully
ruthietoots: And then he performed -- also well, but I didn't know the song
ruthietoots: How I wish we could all go back to an Ottoman attitude vis a vis aesthetics
ruthietoots: Beirut buildings
ruthietoots: Lebanon is quite the crowded place
ruthietoots: Confirmation that we are indeed passing through Deir El-Qamar
ruthietoots: Deir el Qamar
ruthietoots: In Irfane with our Druze colleagues
ruthietoots: CAO Lisa admiring the Irfane Access class
ruthietoots: Explaining their community service project called Zero Waste
ruthietoots: With the impressive Access students of Irfane
ruthietoots: Beit ad-Din Palace glimpsed as we sailed by
ruthietoots: Headquarters of the Prime Minister, the Grand Serail, in the background
ruthietoots: The Garden of Forgiveness standing along the Lebanese Civil War Green Line mixes ruins of at least 15 civilizations
ruthietoots: Lebanon is Life -- Hariri party slogan
ruthietoots: Reconstructing downtown Beirut -- here in Mar Nicolas I think
ruthietoots: Stuck in traffic by the port of Beirut, I take an in-focus photo
ruthietoots: Even time to look back at a party getting set up on a hotel rooftop
ruthietoots: Our first stop in Batroun, we find a man sitting in the doorway of St Stephen's
ruthietoots: I climb up an old staircase and find Batroun port below