ruthietoots: The scenery as I leave Aqaba
ruthietoots: These mountains will be on my right the whole way
ruthietoots: And sand will be on my left
ruthietoots: I've done 40 kilometers -- 260 to go!
ruthietoots: The old distance markers alternate between Arabic and English
ruthietoots: Given the desolation, I'm glad there are police stations along the way
ruthietoots: Kilometers and kilometers of sandy scenery
ruthietoots: Camel crossing
ruthietoots: Coming up... the lowest place on earth and Lot's cave!
ruthietoots: An acacia grove... how do they grow with no water!
ruthietoots: Camels on the horizon
ruthietoots: Of all the camels I saw, only this one had a passenger
ruthietoots: Each of us having a look at the other!
ruthietoots: Roughly halfway to Amman
ruthietoots: The Tafileh junction
ruthietoots: As well as the turn for the Dana Reserve
ruthietoots: The first glimpse of the shrinking Dead Sea
ruthietoots: Then comes the industiral area -- thankfully brief
ruthietoots: I think this was the only commercial area I saw
ruthietoots: A pedestrian in the desert
ruthietoots: The sea has receded so much that the southern end of the Dead Sea is a separate body of water
ruthietoots: Feeling happy in this beautiful place
ruthietoots: After about 3 hours, arriving in Wadi Mujib
ruthietoots: Crossing the Wadi Mujib Bridge
ruthietoots: More Dead Sea
ruthietoots: These 'hanging gardens' grow where water seeps out from the rock
ruthietoots: I have only a kilometer of Dead Sea Highway remaining
ruthietoots: Finally, my turn off
ruthietoots: Climbing out of the Dead Sea valley towards Madaba
ruthietoots: From the road that leads up to the Dead Sea Panorama