ruthietoots: After work, down to the Dana Ecolodge and off for a hike
ruthietoots: The only fauna we saw was right in Dana village
ruthietoots: Much of the village is in a pretty dilapidated state
ruthietoots: Dilapidated can be picturesque
ruthietoots: The road snakes down to the wadi
ruthietoots: A look back at our accommodation, the Dana Ecolodge
ruthietoots: Lisa following her brother's instructions to take many photos
ruthietoots: It took us only perhaps 15 minutes to get to the spring
ruthietoots: Olives & pomegranate grew nearby
ruthietoots: What character olive trees have!
ruthietoots: Typical of the wadi face at this level
ruthietoots: I didn't note how far down the water trough went
ruthietoots: I think it's mistletoe
ruthietoots: It takes approximately five hours to hike to the end
ruthietoots: This is different from the thistle I saw in Um Qais
ruthietoots: A bug's eye view
ruthietoots: Looking out to Wadi Araba which lies between the Dead and Red Seas
ruthietoots: We had to stop here to get back before sunset
ruthietoots: Now heading back
ruthietoots: We can see the lodge just peeking over the lower ledge
ruthietoots: Another look
ruthietoots: Perhaps the water trough served residents of the caves
ruthietoots: Nearing the spring and Dana Village, olive trees reappear
ruthietoots: The greens were deeper now close to sunset
ruthietoots: Pomegranate blooms
ruthietoots: Perhaps a type of sage
ruthietoots: Lisa & I talked about our love of stone walls
ruthietoots: Up from the spring, almost to the top
ruthietoots: Back to the village quicker than we thought, though the walk back up winded us both
ruthietoots: Now in the glow of evening