ruthietoots: Wine tasting fund raiser for Collateral Repair who are working with refugees in Jordan
ruthietoots: I think they liked my Arabic
ruthietoots: On the Monastery of St Lot
ruthietoots: Ever wondered what brimstone is...
ruthietoots: This is what a 1500 year old knot looks like!
ruthietoots: Where sugar got its name
ruthietoots: The Museum at the Lowest Place on Earth
ruthietoots: Grazing in the desert
ruthietoots: The height of the sandstorm
ruthietoots: So the camel crossing signs are true
ruthietoots: Something about this part of the rock...
ruthietoots: The end of the road in Rahma
ruthietoots: Camels grazing on early spring grass in the desert
ruthietoots: The Dead Sea
ruthietoots: Entering the most beautiful stretch of the Dead Sea Highway
ruthietoots: Friday prayers cause a traffic jam on the way down to the Dead Sea
ruthietoots: The Jordanian police stand between the demonstrators and the embassy
ruthietoots: My trip to Aqaba starts by passing a demonstration at the Syrian Embassy
ruthietoots: First harvest of the pomegranate tree I planted in Amman
ruthietoots: On the edge of Amman - tents, trash, and a traditional lifestyle
ruthietoots: Where all that olive oil is stored!
ruthietoots: The oil is grouped and numbered
ruthietoots: The olive skins are saved to use for fuel
ruthietoots: Leaves separated from the olives are sold as fodder
ruthietoots: The cans are filled by weight
ruthietoots: The oil is separated from the mixture
ruthietoots: Mixing water with the olive mash to help extract the oil
ruthietoots: The olives are crushed by stone wheels of adjustable height
ruthietoots: The olives are conveyed to a vacuum that pulls off the leaves and twigs
ruthietoots: They prefer green olives because with the higher amounts of tanin oil keeps better