ruthietoots: Monument at the entry into Jericho, the lowest city in the world and one of the oldest
ruthietoots: Horizon west of Jericho
ruthietoots: Midday at Bethlehem University
ruthietoots: Traditional Palestinian floor tiles
ruthietoots: The tiles are in the restored Jacir Palace in Bethlehem
ruthietoots: My Palestinian friend didn't approve of this mixture
ruthietoots: May noting part of the palace's 100 year history
ruthietoots: Built as the Jacir family home in 1910, now an Intercontinental hotel, Emily Jacir has written about its sad history
ruthietoots: Bethlehem Access student's rendering of a cowboy
ruthietoots: RELO Ruth & CAO Rachel with books for the class
ruthietoots: Playing Hotseat
ruthietoots: Topics range from MLK to skateboarding to dinosaurs
ruthietoots: Bethlehem Access students with their new books
ruthietoots: Ruth looks on while Bethlehem students choose their books
ruthietoots: Decisions
ruthietoots: The teacher gets a book too!
ruthietoots: The entrance to the Aida Refugee Camp in Bethlehem, established in 1950 -- The original refugees generally hailed from 17 villages in the western Jerusalem and western Hebron areas
ruthietoots: Camp Aida written in Arabic
ruthietoots: The Israeli security wall -- so sad
ruthietoots: It speaks for itself
ruthietoots: Let us love indeed.
ruthietoots: The wall cuts along Bethlehem's north and west sides
ruthietoots: Har Gilo Settlement just outside of Bethlehem
ruthietoots: Since I can't go to Gaza and they couldn't come to me, we connected via DVC
ruthietoots: Ramallah and Gaza Access students share Halloween activities
ruthietoots: Watching Gaza's skit
ruthietoots: Some Halloween poetry
ruthietoots: It's not so easy to wrap a mummy!
ruthietoots: Gaza girls finished first
ruthietoots: Can you guess the word