ruthietoots: Early morning from my balcony
ruthietoots: Lamees tells about her time at TESOL 2012
ruthietoots: Access Ramallah students choose books at the end of the RELO's visit
ruthietoots: RELO with Access Ramallah
ruthietoots: My first glimpse of the Dome of the Rock
ruthietoots: Just north of the Damascus Gate
ruthietoots: May at Jesus of Bethlehem's door
ruthietoots: May, Ruth, and Jesus at Bethlehem University
ruthietoots: In the courtyard of the this lovely university
ruthietoots: The Church of the Nativity was built by Constantine and rebuilt by Justinian
ruthietoots: Thirty of the forty-four columns bear Crusader paintings
ruthietoots: Waiting to enter the grotto of the Church of the Nativity
ruthietoots: 12th c mosaics once covered the walls of the entire nave
ruthietoots: The fascinating mural in the Ceasar Hotel -- Jesus, Paul and I loved it
ruthietoots: Original panels from the Al Aqsa mosque now in the Rockefeller Museum
ruthietoots: Stucco work from Hisham's Palace in Jericho... love the birds
ruthietoots: Language order when Palestine was under the British Mandate
ruthietoots: Model of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
ruthietoots: Rockefeller Museum interior is vaguely similar to the Alhambra
ruthietoots: Wing of Jerusalem's famous YMCA, built by the architect of the Empire State Building
ruthietoots: The Jerusalem YMCA bell tower has a carillon
ruthietoots: There are symbols from Islam, Christianity, and Judaism everywhere in the design
ruthietoots: From the terrace of the King David toward the old city
ruthietoots: The border between Israel and Jordan passed here
ruthietoots: Resting by the Crusader statue near the Jaffa Gate
ruthietoots: The Armenian Seminary
ruthietoots: Linden around the gate into the Armenian Seminary
ruthietoots: Hurva Square - the Cardo from the Byzantine city, the 14th c minaret of Sidna Omar, and a new synagogue
ruthietoots: Tourists cause a traffic jam in old Jerusalem
ruthietoots: Inside the Damascus Gate