ruthietoots: Jordan, Part 1 - Wadi Musa from the hotel
ruthietoots: Starting down the Siq into Petra
ruthietoots: Most of the 20-minute walk in is through a narrow pass
ruthietoots: A wide place in the Siq
ruthietoots: And then the Siq grows brighter
ruthietoots: A facade emerges
ruthietoots: The Petra Treasury
ruthietoots: One can go through Petra on camel
ruthietoots: The Treasury from a ledge on the north side
ruthietoots: Not all facades were so well protected from the elements
ruthietoots: The Street of Facades
ruthietoots: Now with camels
ruthietoots: Descending into town beside the theater
ruthietoots: Perhaps Petra doesn't look so different from 2000 years ago
ruthietoots: The main thoroughfare was busy with animal traffic
ruthietoots: Reclining near the theater
ruthietoots: Reclining reprise
ruthietoots: Hawking camel rides
ruthietoots: Heading toward Petra's Roman road
ruthietoots: Looking out from the Corinthian Tomb
ruthietoots: Part of the wide facade of the Royal Tomb
ruthietoots: The picturesque climb to the Urn Tomb
ruthietoots: Displying wares by the Nymphaeum, the public fountain
ruthietoots: The Byzantine-era Blue Church on the north slope above Petra
ruthietoots: Border in Byzantine church where the Petra scrolls were found
ruthietoots: Surveying Petra from the Temple of the Winged Lions
ruthietoots: Temple of the Winged Lions
ruthietoots: A modern-day centurian guards the gate to the colonnaded Roman road
ruthietoots: Looking back at the tombs along the east wall of the valley
ruthietoots: The tombs closer up