ruthietoots: Just in front of the Pierpont Morgan Library
ruthietoots: Madison Avenue festive with a Sikh celebration
ruthietoots: Helping us, the fortunate, better understand the life a refugee faces
ruthietoots: The UN's School in a Box
ruthietoots: Improving women's lives, one of the Millenium Goals set by the UN
ruthietoots: Countries beginning with H are in the front of the General Assembly right now
ruthietoots: Near Chagall's window, the flag from the bombed Baghdad UNHQ and the plaque to those who died
ruthietoots: And what a lovely park opposite the Tudor Apartments
ruthietoots: And the Chrysler Building... since I was there
ruthietoots: Then off to see the new pedestrian part of Broadway
ruthietoots: First destination, the flower district at 28th and 6th Avenue
ruthietoots: Lunch at Tammy & Scott's -- Deb & Dan's friends
ruthietoots: Timothy, Christa & Jonathan
ruthietoots: The resident pup was particularly fond of one guest
ruthietoots: Easter dessert table
ruthietoots: We brought a lily for Easter & hyacinth for Deb's birthday
ruthietoots: Counting with Grandma
ruthietoots: And here's another!
ruthietoots: Stephen finds his first egg
ruthietoots: Nishka enjoys a visit from Aunt Beth
ruthietoots: Alice & Bob in the glory of the season
ruthietoots: The Tidal Basin at its best
ruthietoots: Crowded even on a cold cherry blossom Sunday
ruthietoots: The glory of cherry blossom season
ruthietoots: Bob & Ruth in my favorite cherry blossom time spot
ruthietoots: Alice & Ruth at the relatively new WW2 Memorial
ruthietoots: With two wonderful colleagues and friends
ruthietoots: At Carlyle's
ruthietoots: Abdellatif even more enamoured of his dessert
ruthietoots: Salwa pleased with her dessert choice