ruthietoots: Hassim & Ruth waiting for MATE's End-Of-Access 07-09 Opening to start
ruthietoots: An illustrious panel speaking at the opening of the ceremony marking the end of MATE's 2007-09 Access classes
ruthietoots: Access students showed what they'd learned over the two years
ruthietoots: Truly the future leaders of Morocco!
ruthietoots: Students were remarkable public speakers in English
ruthietoots: Teachers & students loved the singing competitions
ruthietoots: Great singing, great English!
ruthietoots: Access Morocco students in their new teeshirts
ruthietoots: RELO with Access Morocco students
ruthietoots: Moroccan Access Alumni Club members explain to the IRO what they are doing
ruthietoots: Morocco Access students in Amazight traditional dress
ruthietoots: Access Zagora's poster
ruthietoots: MATE's End-of-Access 2007-09 group photo closer-up
ruthietoots: Everyone at MATE's end-of-Access 2007-09 festival
ruthietoots: RELO with the Access Morocco logo's designer