ruthietoots: French heart of Algiers Casbah
ruthietoots: Buying bread in the Algiers Casbah
ruthietoots: Algiers Casbah shopping
ruthietoots: Venetian style palace for French dignitaries in Algiers Casbah
ruthietoots: An Algiers Casbah lane
ruthietoots: It's shoes off for saints' tombs too
ruthietoots: Algiers lycee where Albert Camus studied
ruthietoots: Algeria wants to outlaw Moussems
ruthietoots: Friday morning in the Algiers Casbah
ruthietoots: Approximately 30,000 people still live in the crumbling Algiers Casbah
ruthietoots: A few Casbah fountains remain...
ruthietoots: Algiers, The White
ruthietoots: Morning from an Algiers rooftop
ruthietoots: Getting water from a fountain in the Algiers Casbah
ruthietoots: Algiers Casbah mosque
ruthietoots: Early morning over Algiers bay
ruthietoots: guide showing old Algiers
ruthietoots: Bahia's mother serving Chorba Frik
ruthietoots: Bahia, Nadia, and Ruth on last evening in Algiers
ruthietoots: Bahia & Ruth before dinner at her place
ruthietoots: Bahia, her mother, and Nadia
ruthietoots: Mohammed shows his mindmap of the workshop
ruthietoots: Algerian English teachers in a RELO workshop
ruthietoots: Algiers CAO Marissa talking to teachers
ruthietoots: Access students leaving class in Constantine
ruthietoots: On the Constantine University campus
ruthietoots: Constantine teachers in American Corner with RELO, CAO, and ELF
ruthietoots: ELF and teachers at RELO workshop in Constantine American Corner
ruthietoots: So far I'm not convinced of Constantine's beauty
ruthietoots: The sky over Constantine, Algeria