ruthietoots: Valencia cathedral claims to have the Holy Grail; they certainly have glorious Florentine frescos
ruthietoots: Door in Valencia's old city
ruthietoots: It seems the 18th c. isn't over
ruthietoots: Our after dinner drinks tasted better around the fire
ruthietoots: My Crianza came out on top in our tasting in the meat department
ruthietoots: Aioli, arroz negro, and a nice chardonnay
ruthietoots: A great last dinner near Ayuntamiento, a new part of town for us
ruthietoots: Just how big a paella did you want
ruthietoots: Wicker in the Plaza del Mercado
ruthietoots: After the hard climb up the Torres de Quart
ruthietoots: On top of the Torres de Quart
ruthietoots: Botanical Garden
ruthietoots: Pomelo, said to be grapefruit's ancestor, growing in Valencia garden
ruthietoots: Restaurants along the boardwalk
ruthietoots: What a great idea!
ruthietoots: Walls of water
ruthietoots: Sandcastle
ruthietoots: Lunch at the beach... in November!
ruthietoots: At the beach in November
ruthietoots: Picture perfect kids
ruthietoots: Anticipation
ruthietoots: The finest of our sangrias
ruthietoots: University of Valencia
ruthietoots: Finally our paella... with meat carving for entertainment
ruthietoots: Miguelete
ruthietoots: Olives framing the Miguelete
ruthietoots: The maquette helps understand the whole
ruthietoots: The Catherdral's Visigoth entrance
ruthietoots: Spaniards seem to love fancy dress weddings
ruthietoots: We got to Plaza Redonda via directions in German