ruthietoots: wedding stuffs, Benghazi souk
ruthietoots: the souk in Benghazi
ruthietoots: street scene in Benghazi
ruthietoots: roots, spices, & henna stencils for sale in the Benghazi souk
ruthietoots: Orthodox church in Benghazi
ruthietoots: one of the wedding shops in the souk
ruthietoots: Moez, Jennifer, and our driver in Benghazi
ruthietoots: another street scene in Benghazi
ruthietoots: a bridal ensemble
ruthietoots: what is left of Cyrene's Three Graces mosaic
ruthietoots: Waiting at the Wadi Kuf bridge we took photos
ruthietoots: two generations of mosaics in the baths
ruthietoots: the wall (of Simeon) separating the theater from the city
ruthietoots: The skies threatened while we waited for our lost Libyan escort
ruthietoots: the road to the theater
ruthietoots: seated in the theater
ruthietoots: pre-excursion espresso with the archeologist
ruthietoots: Overlooking the ruin of the Greek port of Apollonia
ruthietoots: on the way down to Cyrene
ruthietoots: Moez, Zacharia, and PAO Jennifer on the Wadi Kuf bridge
ruthietoots: Moez in the Roman Propylea
ruthietoots: Jennifer & Moez in the Cyrene museum
ruthietoots: in the newer Roman gate to the city
ruthietoots: excavations at Cyrene
ruthietoots: at the Temple of Zeus
ruthietoots: Apollonia
ruthietoots: a bit of the wadi from the Wadi Kuf bridge