ruthietoots: banana vendor in front of Ziguinchor cultural center
ruthietoots: colonial building in Ziguinchor
ruthietoots: dead tree home to flamingos
ruthietoots: Diourbel 1
ruthietoots: Diourbel 2
ruthietoots: Diourbel mosque
ruthietoots: Diourbel teachers 1
ruthietoots: Diourbel teachers with books
ruthietoots: don't litter sign in St Louis
ruthietoots: heron in thorn-bearing fromagier
ruthietoots: home of Mourides in St Louis 2
ruthietoots: home of Mourides in St Louis
ruthietoots: Ibrahima and Khalil
ruthietoots: Khalil and JD in Ndar Tout - St Louis 2
ruthietoots: Khalil helps with photo of Mauritanian market 2
ruthietoots: Khalil helps with photo of Mauritanian market
ruthietoots: Khalil & Atoumane & Ndiago & JD at Sud FM
ruthietoots: kids dancing in St Louis
ruthietoots: la chaloupe
ruthietoots: nesting flamingos
ruthietoots: night guard doing daytime snoozing
ruthietoots: pirouge at Goree Island
ruthietoots: Portuguese Town Hall from 1880s
ruthietoots: Ruth & JD & Khalil
ruthietoots: St Louis pirogue
ruthietoots: Tabaski goats in Ndar Tout - St Louis
ruthietoots: Thies street scene
ruthietoots: traditional medicine vendor talking to police
ruthietoots: village between Diuorbel and Louga
ruthietoots: whole group 1