Ruth Flickr:
and the cats nap in the slant corners...
Ruth Flickr:
Alhambra cat
Ruth Flickr:
Accusing look
Ruth Flickr:
365 day3 Nimbus
Ruth Flickr:
Avoncroft windmill cat & mouse
Ruth Flickr:
Raggedy cat
Ruth Flickr:
Who, me?
Ruth Flickr:
Jellicle Cats have moonlit eyes.
Ruth Flickr:
What is that??
Ruth Flickr:
Santa not want to play...
Ruth Flickr:
Santa on the prowl
Ruth Flickr:
Don't like to hula....
Ruth Flickr:
laser eyes sittin' in ur hedge
Ruth Flickr:
Niamh's pics family fun: Santa, the evil one...
Ruth Flickr:
Mephi, Judy and Ruth ca 1958
Ruth Flickr:
Nimbus nitemarez
Ruth Flickr:
Raggedy Cat
Ruth Flickr:
I C U...
Ruth Flickr:
Ruth Flickr:
365 day78 Raggedy Cat again
Ruth Flickr:
...and the (not so) festive cat in a hat
Ruth Flickr:
Are you sitting comfortably?
Ruth Flickr:
Ruth Flickr:
Bathtime - bleeuugh!
Ruth Flickr:
dog avoidance!
Ruth Flickr:
365 day147 little prisoner
Ruth Flickr:
Green eyes
Ruth Flickr:
Pub cat
Ruth Flickr:
Ruth Flickr: