The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Crisp, clear morning with the opuntia, yucca, and cholla
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: East African tree euphorbia in the greenhouse
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Opuntia robusta
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Aloe hybrid by Brian Kemble
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Agave margaritae
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Agave titanota with pups growing underneath
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Echinopsis randallii
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Tradescantia pallida 'Purple Heart'
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Agave titanota
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Echeveria gibbiflora hybrid and Agave 'Blue Glow'
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Ferocactus pottsii
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cotyledon orbiculata (white form)
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Haworthia cymbiformis
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Bristlecone pine
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Crassula falcata and Graptopetalum 'Poindexter's Hybrid'
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Crassula falcata
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Agave salmiana
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Agave and Parodia
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Echinocereus enneacanthus
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: variegated Agave salmiana
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: variegated Agave salmiana
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Aloe microstigma
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Aloe microstigma