The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Acacia constricta
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Acacia constricta flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Acacia 3
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium Glenn Davidson
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium Kiwi
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium pseudotabulaeforme
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave americana - variegated
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave colimana full
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave colimana
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe rubroviolacea
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe sinkatana x microstigma
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Arbutus unedo
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brachychiton Majestic Beauty seeds
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brachychiton rupestris
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brahea armata
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brunsvigia josephinae
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Caesalpinia spinosa
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Cephalophyllum tricolorum
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Ceretonia siliqua
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Cupressus arizonica
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Dasylirion longissimum
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Dudleya stolonifera
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria agavoides Red Edge
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria agavoides Red Edge -2
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria elegans
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria gigantea
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria hyb. Hummel #1
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria Strawberry Heart
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Euphorbia tetragona
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Euphorbia tetragona close