The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Acacia caven seed pod
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium pseudotabulaeforme
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium canariensis hybrid
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave potrerana flower stalk
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave potrerana flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave color 2
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe elgonica flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe nyeriensis flower
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe pearsonii x distans
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe pearsonii x distans fls
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe pearsonii x distans fls
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe pearsonii
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe tomentosa flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe tomentosa
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe tomentosa flower buds
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe variegata
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aristolochia californica fruit & ants
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aristolochia fruit with wasps
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Astrophytum ornatum flower top
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Astrophytum ornatum flower side
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brachychiton discolor flower spiked
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brachychiton discolor fallen flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Bromelia balansae
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brunsvigia josephinae flower spike
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brunsvigia josephinae inflorescence
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brunsvigia josephinae flower
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Cedrus libani green cone
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Cedrus libani cones
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Colchicum agrippinum flower
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Crassula perfoliata