The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Acanthocalycium peitscherianum
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Acanthocalycium peitscherianum flwr
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Acanthocalycium thionanthum
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Acanthocalycium thionanthum flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Aechmea nudicaulis
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Aeonium Kiwi
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Aloe mitriformis
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Aloe mitriformis flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Anigozanthos flavidus
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Asteriscus maritimus
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Astrophytum myriostigma group
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Astrophytum myriostigma x ornatum
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Bromelia balansae inflorescence
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Bromelia balansae flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Bromelia balansae flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Bromelia balansae flower and buds
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Bromelia balansae with spent flower
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Caesalpinia sp
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cleistocactus samaipatanus flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cleistocactus samaipatanus
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cleistocactus samaipatanus flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cotyledon ladismithensis
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cotyledon ladismithensis leaves
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: View of Bed 7
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cotyledon orbiculata inflorescence
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Cotyledon orbiculata flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Crassula orbicularis
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Echeveria Afterglow
The Ruth Bancroft Garden: Echeveria Arlie Wright