The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium canariensis hybrid
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium canariensis hybrid flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium canariensis hybrid flowers close
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aeonium giant hybrid
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave celsii
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Agave sp. flower spikes
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Albuca crinifolia flower
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe grandidentata
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aloe grandidentata foliage
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aquilegia shockleyi & Aeonium flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Arctostaphylos 'Ruth Bancroft' bark
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Aristolochia californica fruit
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brachychiton rupestris flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Brachychiton rupestris flower & bud
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Bromelia balansae
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Bromelia balansae bracts
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Butia capitata flwrs
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Butia paraguayensis flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Butia capitata flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Ceratonia siliqua pods
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Chilopsis linearis 'Regal' flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Cordyline australis purpurea
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
California Poppy & Woolly Blue Curls
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Deuterocohnia schreiteri
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Dyckia brevifolia
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Dyckia grouping
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria sp
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Dyckia flowers
The Ruth Bancroft Garden:
Echeveria albicans