Ruth and Dave: Skinning up from Symphony Bowl
Ruth and Dave: Getting to grips with poles
Ruth and Dave: Skinning on split boards
Ruth and Dave: White on white
Ruth and Dave: Still skinning
Ruth and Dave: Ski area boundary
Ruth and Dave: Putting the split boards back together
Ruth and Dave: Oboe Basin
Ruth and Dave: Ski area boundary
Ruth and Dave: Ruth about to cross the ski area boundary
Ruth and Dave: About to make our first backcountry descent into Oboe Basin
Ruth and Dave: Stuart in the powder
Ruth and Dave: Fresh tracks in the backcountry
Ruth and Dave: Simon in backcountry powder
Ruth and Dave: Simon in backcountry powder
Ruth and Dave: Stuart and Ruth get ready to start climbing again
Ruth and Dave: Going up again
Ruth and Dave: View back down the creek
Ruth and Dave: Oboe Basin
Ruth and Dave: Up the skin track
Ruth and Dave: Winter sun
Ruth and Dave: Untouched
Ruth and Dave: Split board skis
Ruth and Dave: Toiling up
Ruth and Dave: Stuart puts his split board together
Ruth and Dave: Ruth puts her split board back together
Ruth and Dave: John skis down Oboe Basin
Ruth and Dave: Simon snowboards down Oboe Basin
Ruth and Dave: Simon struggles to his feet
Ruth and Dave: Stuart and split boards