Ruth and Dave: Holiday lights for sale
Ruth and Dave: Coffee shop mural
Ruth and Dave: Beef brisket sandwich with beans and coleslaw
Ruth and Dave: Peaceful picnic
Ruth and Dave: Trout Lake Farmer's Market
Ruth and Dave: Chili Tank
Ruth and Dave: Trout Lake
Ruth and Dave: Plum blossom
Ruth and Dave: Plum blossom
Ruth and Dave: Plum blossom
Ruth and Dave: Tracks to the city
Ruth and Dave: Pizza poutine
Ruth and Dave: Trout Lake
Ruth and Dave: Caesar
Ruth and Dave: Commercial Drive, random guy
Ruth and Dave: Cozy Apartments
Ruth and Dave: Don Juan Diablo cocktail
Ruth and Dave: Don Juan Diablo cocktail
Ruth and Dave: Ginger and pineapple cocktail
Ruth and Dave: Strawberry cocktail
Ruth and Dave: Totally Drive Certified
Ruth and Dave: What light from yonder window breaks?
Ruth and Dave: Free Hugs
Ruth and Dave: Big Michael, little bike
Ruth and Dave: Funky bikes
Ruth and Dave: Drive Organics mural
Ruth and Dave: Vancouver Huddle
Ruth and Dave: Wet Fun Zone
Ruth and Dave: Fringe Festival puppet
Ruth and Dave: Rain on my parade