Ruth Kennedy Gray: fern church
Ruth Kennedy Gray: edinburgh from the castle
Ruth Kennedy Gray: fern cemetery
Ruth Kennedy Gray: crail steps
Ruth Kennedy Gray: St Andrews
Ruth Kennedy Gray: crocus melville row
Ruth Kennedy Gray: crochet blanket
Ruth Kennedy Gray: fife sunset
Ruth Kennedy Gray: lunan bay shore
Ruth Kennedy Gray: finavon window
Ruth Kennedy Gray: finavon in the sun
Ruth Kennedy Gray: interesting licheny stuff
Ruth Kennedy Gray: wall and hair
Ruth Kennedy Gray: barclay place
Ruth Kennedy Gray: sam's wellies
Ruth Kennedy Gray: crazy tree!
Ruth Kennedy Gray: i want to put my feet in this
Ruth Kennedy Gray: old finavon castle
Ruth Kennedy Gray: spiky plant
Ruth Kennedy Gray: david washing his face in the south esk
Ruth Kennedy Gray: traffic cone
Ruth Kennedy Gray: the mound black and white