ruth eastwood: for a start
ruth eastwood: in flight first light
ruth eastwood: grey dagger moth
ruth eastwood: stags at sunrise
ruth eastwood: breeding colour
ruth eastwood: sun bathing
ruth eastwood: hiding in the shadow
ruth eastwood: watching me watchin you
ruth eastwood: it warmer in scotland than iceland
ruth eastwood: odd man out
ruth eastwood: rain rain rain
ruth eastwood: im free
ruth eastwood: tit willow tit willow tit willow
ruth eastwood: hares..the sunrise
ruth eastwood: sing for your supper
ruth eastwood: wet triathlon
ruth eastwood: high step
ruth eastwood: run like the wind
ruth eastwood: welbrow fell ponies shawforth lancs
ruth eastwood: scotch Argus
ruth eastwood: Grasshopper
ruth eastwood: male Linnet
ruth eastwood: juv male Linnet
ruth eastwood: kite over the loch..sure scared the birds
ruth eastwood: Dunlin fly past
ruth eastwood: i loved this team
ruth eastwood: two brave lads
ruth eastwood: hang on there
ruth eastwood: flying high
ruth eastwood: motorbike displat team