ruth eastwood: IMG_8594
ruth eastwood: IMG_8596
ruth eastwood: common sandpiper juv
ruth eastwood: IMG_7107
ruth eastwood: like father like son
ruth eastwood: oystercatcher juv
ruth eastwood: the sun was bouncing off the water
ruth eastwood: rock pippit
ruth eastwood: moorhen and babe
ruth eastwood: mallard with a tuft
ruth eastwood: fluffies oh so cute
ruth eastwood: oystercatcher eggs
ruth eastwood: leap frog
ruth eastwood: hitching a ride soleburn dyke
ruth eastwood: IMG_4955
ruth eastwood: IMG_4954
ruth eastwood: IMG_4934
ruth eastwood: stranger on the shore
ruth eastwood: its quiet to get near too.
ruth eastwood: sandwich terns
ruth eastwood: coy roy
ruth eastwood: this ones for teresa
ruth eastwood: purple sandpiper lady bay
ruth eastwood: purple sandpiper and ringed plover lady bay
ruth eastwood: turnstone