ruth eastwood: small copper
ruth eastwood: underside brown argus
ruth eastwood: common blue
ruth eastwood: id please
ruth eastwood: id please
ruth eastwood: id please
ruth eastwood: id please
ruth eastwood: hoverfly ?
ruth eastwood: small copper
ruth eastwood: small copper /
ruth eastwood: IMG_9989
ruth eastwood: bee id please
ruth eastwood: another bee id please
ruth eastwood: forest bug
ruth eastwood: IMG_9701
ruth eastwood: IMG_9698
ruth eastwood: forest bug
ruth eastwood: common darter
ruth eastwood: common darter female
ruth eastwood: love the face
ruth eastwood: showing off
ruth eastwood: common daselfly ?
ruth eastwood: peacock butterfly
ruth eastwood: golden ringed dragonfly
ruth eastwood: id please
ruth eastwood: crab spider
ruth eastwood: id please
ruth eastwood: a hive of activity
ruth eastwood: scottish argus
ruth eastwood: id please