Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah order made to a Coffee shop
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah order made to a Coffee shop
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah Holder one of a kind
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah for Talya-costom made
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah for Talya-costom made
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah for Talya-costom made
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah for Talya-costom made
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah for Talya-costom made
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah for Talya-costom made
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah for Talya-costom made
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah case for my brother and my sister-in-low
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Mezuzah case for my brother and my sister-in-low
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Sold befor I could say anything...
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: Sold befor I could say anything...
Ruth Tarragano רות טרגנו: First time mica shift...-Mezuzah