RU COOL: geting on the dive boats
RU COOL: makeshift sailboat
RU COOL: anchor on pier
RU COOL: hut on beach with low tide
RU COOL: nudibranch2
RU COOL: traditional_dancing2
RU COOL: front beach hut
RU COOL: clown fish
RU COOL: Amblyglyphidodon curacao, one of the facultative planktivores i observed
RU COOL: starfish
RU COOL: moorish idol
RU COOL: Indonesian boat at low tide
RU COOL: pier at the front beach
RU COOL: traditional_dancing3
RU COOL: sunrise and high tide at the sun bathing beach
RU COOL: lion_fish
RU COOL: zoopankton net
RU COOL: moorish idol2
RU COOL: indonesian_boat_driver
RU COOL: coral
RU COOL: indonesian boat
RU COOL: puffer fish
RU COOL: front beach indonesian fisherman
RU COOL: crown_of _thorns_starfish
RU COOL: front beach indonesian boat
RU COOL: my Indonesian scuba and lab buddy Chelzie
RU COOL: coral2
RU COOL: indonesian boat2
RU COOL: the hut that i lived at on Hoga Island
RU COOL: Saraba local drink and fried bananas pisang goreng