Lisa Percival:
I grow this Hydrangea in a pot so I could try to alter the soil ph and change the color but I didn’t have any luck.
Lisa Percival:
The Mother’s In Law Tongue plant (Dracaena trifasciata) on the stairs has a flower stem forming and I’ve never seen one flower before.
Lisa Percival:
Went out to water while waiting for TJ to have some labs done at the Vet and you can’t really tell by this photo but it is HOT. The AC decided to quit working too but just turning it off for a while fixed it.
Lisa Percival:
The variegated ginger is blooming.
Lisa Percival:
The Daylilies out front have enjoyed all the rain we’ve been getting.
Lisa Percival:
Only one flower blooming on the cactus. The volunteer asparagus fern is competing with the cactus on size it’s just getting covered up by the lantana plant right now.
Lisa Percival:
I have an understanding with these guys, they can do whatever they want, but they have to stay in our yard. They’re starting to rebel. The base of that cactus is bigger than some of our old oak trees.
Lisa Percival:
Orange Ixora. I wonder if this one will have a yellow bloom now.
Lisa Percival:
I found this lone red flower on my pure yellow Ixora. Another flower has a slight red stripe. Maybe it looked across the sidewalk and saw it’s orange cousin and got jealous.
Lisa Percival:
Mandevilla blooms
Lisa Percival:
Beautiful but unusual northern Sunset tonight. #sanantonio
Lisa Percival:
Storming again. #sanantonio #storm
Lisa Percival:
Flowering Air Plant
Lisa Percival:
Was surprised by this guy out front. I think we planted him last year and I don’t remember him flowering before.
Lisa Percival:
Almost didn’t notice the cactus is flowering, I was more concerned with spraying the infernal mealybugs off of it. They do make good red dye but that’s too gross for me.
Lisa Percival:
This is the second tree we planted out front when we moved in. It’s a hybrid southern live oak and it has plans to take over the world.
Lisa Percival:
One of my air plants is turning red and getting ready to bloom. 🌺
Lisa Percival:
This Dahlberg Daisy decided to sprout in the Aerogarden in with the chives (where I didn’t plant it) and it grew over to flower with the lettuce. It was from the last planting, so not sure why it decided to grow now.
Lisa Percival:
I wouldn’t be surprised if this Daisy was almost old enough to vote, they live forever here. I know there’s a yellow one out front that’s old enough.
Lisa Percival:
Easter lily. I’ve got a big pot of them that just come up every year.
Lisa Percival:
Blueish Succulent
Lisa Percival:
Succulents are enjoying growing under lights inside.
Lisa Percival:
Red Leaf Begonia flowers