Rusty Knuckles: Pyramids before they are set on fire
Rusty Knuckles: Pyramids before they are set on fire
Rusty Knuckles: Pyramids before they are set on fire
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 13
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 12
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 11
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 10
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 9
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 8
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 7
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 6
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 5
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 4
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 3
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 2
Rusty Knuckles: Lighting the pyramid pt. 1
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0161
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0162
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0164
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0165
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0169
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0170
Rusty Knuckles: Fireworks and the fires on the levee facing down river
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0174
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0175
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0180
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0181
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0182
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0183
Rusty Knuckles: DSCN0186