Rusty Knuckles: P1010026
Rusty Knuckles: Flathead in the belly tanker
Rusty Knuckles: Jake Doomey's Truck
Rusty Knuckles: P1010018
Rusty Knuckles: Bean Bandits
Rusty Knuckles: P1010002
Rusty Knuckles: belly tanker rear suspension
Rusty Knuckles: P1010024
Rusty Knuckles: P1010009
Rusty Knuckles: P1010020
Rusty Knuckles: P1010019
Rusty Knuckles: P1010017
Rusty Knuckles: at the startingl ine
Rusty Knuckles: bike ready to race
Rusty Knuckles: Jake Doomey's race truck
Rusty Knuckles: P1010021
Rusty Knuckles: all the campers lined up beside the track
Rusty Knuckles: Truly a classic shot from another era
Rusty Knuckles: Belly tanker getting a tow to starting line
Rusty Knuckles: view down the track
Rusty Knuckles: Norton up close
Rusty Knuckles: SCTA booth at starting gate
Rusty Knuckles: racer out of the starting gate
Rusty Knuckles: P1010013
Rusty Knuckles: I'm Huge
Rusty Knuckles: P1010022
Rusty Knuckles: Belly tanker before first run
Rusty Knuckles: Norton racer