Martin Sercombe: lunar dandelion
Martin Sercombe: floral kinetics
Martin Sercombe: lunar mushroom
Martin Sercombe: smooth round stones
Martin Sercombe: maelstrom
Martin Sercombe: crocodile tan
Martin Sercombe: gravity
Martin Sercombe: the reaper waits
Martin Sercombe: hollyhocks
Martin Sercombe: drawn to the light
Martin Sercombe: clothespegs
Martin Sercombe: the church at Vik
Martin Sercombe: horse train
Martin Sercombe: approaching storm
Martin Sercombe: evening shadows two
Martin Sercombe: the reflecting sands
Martin Sercombe: dusk shelter
Martin Sercombe: holding the first ray of dawn
Martin Sercombe: bat towers 04
Martin Sercombe: not there
Martin Sercombe: hot nose raymond
Martin Sercombe: november poem
Martin Sercombe: chicken shed with boomerang
Martin Sercombe: serpentine
Martin Sercombe: gullfoss
Martin Sercombe: the chasm
Martin Sercombe: almost
Martin Sercombe: the infernal wind machine
Martin Sercombe: charmed existence
Martin Sercombe: Hopperstad Stave Church, Vik