rustumlongpig: Demonstration!
rustumlongpig: Demo Flags
rustumlongpig: Something we should all consider
rustumlongpig: This man stood clapping until all had passed by
rustumlongpig: In the shadow of St Georges hall
rustumlongpig: Thats how it used to be!
rustumlongpig: A coffee before we start
rustumlongpig: This horse cant read!
rustumlongpig: Another photo
rustumlongpig: White horse
rustumlongpig: Little girl with placard.
rustumlongpig: Passion
rustumlongpig: Wont be the first time --
rustumlongpig: I might have to support mummy
rustumlongpig: If I could walk that way....
rustumlongpig: F F F F F ---------?
rustumlongpig: Rebellion
rustumlongpig: more demo's
rustumlongpig: Still not amused
rustumlongpig: Stanley st Demo
rustumlongpig: Roe st Demo
rustumlongpig: Looking down on the march
rustumlongpig: Dogs on the march
rustumlongpig: On yer bike!
rustumlongpig: Trotting along
rustumlongpig: Got to go?
rustumlongpig: Demonstrate