rusted_flower: for you in turquoise and patience 4
rusted_flower: for you in turquoise and patience 3
rusted_flower: for you in turquoise and patience 2
rusted_flower: for you in turquoise and patience 1
rusted_flower: Flowers for a Fish: Happy Birthday, Nouredine
rusted_flower: Flowers for a Fish: Happy Birthday, Nouredine
rusted_flower: Flowers for a Fish: Happy Birthday, Nouredine
rusted_flower: Flowers for a Fish: Happy Birthday, Nouredine
rusted_flower: Flowers for a Fish: Happy Birthday, Nouredine
rusted_flower: 8 on the balcony
rusted_flower: 7 on the balcony
rusted_flower: 6 on the balcony
rusted_flower: 5 on the balcony
rusted_flower: 4 on the balcony
rusted_flower: 3 on the balcony
rusted_flower: 2 on the balcony
rusted_flower: 1 on the balcony
rusted_flower: a friend of blue dogs and moons, of exiting walls and entering air. a friend on my beach and in my cup of tea. a friend who might escape the heart with this line but not the mind
rusted_flower: a way in 5
rusted_flower: a way in 4
rusted_flower: a way in 3
rusted_flower: a way in 2
rusted_flower: Ecology of a room on the other side of the lake
rusted_flower: Ecology of a room on the other side of the lake
rusted_flower: Ecology of a room on the other side of the lake
rusted_flower: Ecology of a room on the other side of the lake
rusted_flower: Ecology of a room on the other side of the lake
rusted_flower: for J.T.
rusted_flower: for J.T.
rusted_flower: for J.T.