rusted_flower: string theory, part one
rusted_flower: for my future daughter-in-law
rusted_flower: Landscape 11
rusted_flower: Landscape 4
rusted_flower: Landscape 15
rusted_flower: we are reduced to nulls and ones
rusted_flower: an idea of 11 5/6
rusted_flower: the idea of nine 2
rusted_flower: summer 33
rusted_flower: dress 1
rusted_flower: summer 26
rusted_flower: ideas of niemeyer from a small room 4
rusted_flower: summer 9
rusted_flower: as the sun went down, he caught a glimpse of another part.
rusted_flower: his voice murmured between the discs
rusted_flower: still life
rusted_flower: to the New Year for all my Flickr compadres in life!
rusted_flower: tiresias in a red dress
rusted_flower: YSE # 21 ink-link
rusted_flower: and through this?
rusted_flower: magdalena and the fountain
rusted_flower: magdalena's bath
rusted_flower: absence
rusted_flower: the white dress lost in the last quadrant in the second galaxy
rusted_flower: blues in a red b flat
rusted_flower: don't look at midnight
rusted_flower: in the coming evening
rusted_flower: is it too much to ask if life starts with orange? or is it a premonition of something more? an intimation?