+Russ: Judges Judging
+Russ: Judges Judging
+Russ: Judging tasters
+Russ: Tallying score for the final judging
+Russ: Judges Judging
+Russ: Judges Judging
+Russ: Kaiser
+Russ: Judging Panel
+Russ: The final judging
+Russ: 1st in line
+Russ: Rick, Ellen & Geoff
+Russ: Line up for the Fresh Hop Throwdown
+Russ: The Noble Fir
+Russ: Lining up
+Russ: Line forming
+Russ: Dave
+Russ: Laurelwood Workhorse Fresh Hop IPA, Fremont Cowiche Canyon Fresh Hop Ale & Big Al Amarillo Fresh Hop Ale
+Russ: And the winners are...
+Russ: Rick
+Russ: Fremont Cowiche Canyon Fresh Hop Ale (2nd Place)
+Russ: Nice turn out for the Fresh Hop Throwdown