+Russ: Judges IPA picks for the final Best In Show (Judging the top 4 picks from round one)
+Russ: Judges Imperial IPA picks for the final Best In Show (Judging the top 4 picks from round one)
+Russ: Results of the first round of Imperial IPA Judging
+Russ: Results of the first round of IPA judging
+Russ: Kaiser announces the winners
+Russ: Sweet Hops Tattoo
+Russ: Sweet Hops Tattoo
+Russ: Mmmmm beer.... so many good IPAs....
+Russ: Customers judge their favorite from a different line-up of Washington IPAs
+Russ: Geoff Kaiser
+Russ: Geoff Kaiser
+Russ: Beer Geeks
+Russ: IPA Judging
+Russ: IPA Judging
+Russ: Imperial IPA Judging
+Russ: IPA Judging
+Russ: Customers judge their favorite from a different line-up of Washington beers
+Russ: Beveridge Place Pub