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Edward Gray yacht- back
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Edward Gray yacht- Built by Truscott Boat Company, St. Joseph, MI in 1913.
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Edward Gray yacht-front and back
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Grayhaven office Gar Wood-Edward Gray
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Elmer WWII Draft Card
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Edward Gray's yacht?
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Passenger ship that went from Detroit to Cleveland
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Grandpa Elmer LeSuer
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Aunt Bev, grandma LeSuer, and the Millers- and Me!
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The Boltons and the LeSuers- 29-31 Stevens, Highland Park
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Moving to Detroit- Gar Wood, Edward Gray, Henry Ford and the Highland Park Model T Plant
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My grandfather Elmer LeSuer and Uncle Bob LeSuer
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My grandparents- Elmer and Emma LeSuer
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Grayhaven 1943- 40-foot 1937-38 Chris Craft
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Gar Wood- Mom at Grayhaven 1943
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Mothers and Wife
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Auto Trade-Pg 4
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Auto Trade-Pg 1
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Auto Trade-Pg 2
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Auto Trade-Pg 3
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1906 Oil City Elmer- Edward Gray
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1906 Oil City Elmer- Edward Gray-clip
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Plane for Elmer to Detroit
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61-Elmer LeSuer
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Highland Park Model T Assembly Plant Craneway
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1940 LeSuer Census Elmer
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Elmer WWI Draft Card-right
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Elmer WWI Draft Card-left
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1912 City of Detroit Elmer bds Edw Gray 56 Windemere-crop
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LeSuer Oil City meats-riverside