cam phone guy:
IMG_5266- Great Egret- Ardea alba
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
IMG_0677- Great Egret
cam phone guy:
IMG_0673- Great Egret
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
Multiple wing levels- cool!
cam phone guy:
Egrets in flight
cam phone guy:
Egret in flight
cam phone guy:
Egret in flight
cam phone guy:
Egret in flight
cam phone guy:
Egret in flight
cam phone guy:
Egret in flight
cam phone guy:
Egret in flight
cam phone guy:
McFadden Marsh
cam phone guy:
Egret 'wetting' vole for easier swallowing
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Egret with vole
cam phone guy:
Egret with vole, wetting it for easier swallowing
cam phone guy:
Egret with vole
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
cam phone guy:
Egret with a vole
cam phone guy:
Egret with a vole
cam phone guy:
Egret with a vole
cam phone guy:
Egret with a vole
cam phone guy:
Egret with a vole
cam phone guy:
Egret on a hill