cam phone guy: IMG_5363 Osprey with catfish
cam phone guy: Osprey hit by a Redwing Blackbird tail gunner
cam phone guy: Red wing Blackbird escorting an Osprey
cam phone guy: Osprey catches the fish
cam phone guy: IMG_2503
cam phone guy: IMG_2501
cam phone guy: IMG_2517
cam phone guy: IMG_8694
cam phone guy: IMG_8836
cam phone guy: IMG_8708
cam phone guy: IMG_5366 Osprey with catfish
cam phone guy: Osprey with Catfish- Cropped
cam phone guy: Osprey- Newport, Oregon
cam phone guy: Osprey, WL Finley Wildlife Refuge
cam phone guy: Osprey Stare Down
cam phone guy: Osprey perching with catch...
cam phone guy: More than you may want to know about ospreys!
cam phone guy: Paul & Andy Watch an Osprey & RWBB
cam phone guy: Me taking photo of redwing blackbird chasing an osprey.
cam phone guy: Wing shapes of an osprey
cam phone guy: Wing shapes of an osprey
cam phone guy: Wing shapes of an osprey
cam phone guy: Wing shapes of an osprey