PearlzFromShelz Shotz: Koroneburg map
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: precious face
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: banner carriers
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: hair adornments
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: street views
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: young couple
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: senior couple
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: crib + wheels = wagon; necessities!
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: ladies walking
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: which Disney mirror is this?
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: haunted house greeter
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: haunted house greeter
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: joust master of cremonies
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: steak on a stick
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: big beautiful butterfly
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: shopkeeper and dog
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: clothing vender
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: renaissance candid in black garb