PearlzFromShelz Shotz: vagle leaves & berries
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: vagle leaves & berries
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: spitin' mad?
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: a Muscovy day
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: a Muscovy day
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: a Muscovy day
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: a Muscovy day
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: cocktail flower
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: Vagle doubles
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: Vagle doubles
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: Vagle stripes
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: flower and bee stripes
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: I spy another shutterbug
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: path of acou(tree)ment and shadow
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: vagle fall colors
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: the character of trees
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: vagle tree tables
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: fowl foot work
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: beak profile
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: yet undecided
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: moment of decision
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: pond ponderance
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: water wondering ...
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: best foot forward
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: game for the nature center
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: giving me the eye
PearlzFromShelz Shotz: the pale yellow one