runshigleyrun: Dickcissel singing with a Brown-headed Cowbird in the background.
runshigleyrun: Dickcissel
runshigleyrun: Dickcissel singing his heart out on the Nebraska prairie.
runshigleyrun: Invasive Yellow Sweetclover
runshigleyrun: An American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) hunts on the Nebraska prairie.
runshigleyrun: A Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) catches an unfortunate dragonfly.
runshigleyrun: A Tree Swallow (Tachysineta bicolor) skims the lake for insects.
runshigleyrun: Female Red-winged Blackbird
runshigleyrun: Tree Swallow
runshigleyrun: Monarch butterfly on Milkweed
runshigleyrun: Eastern Meadowlark camouflaged in the tallgrass prairie.
runshigleyrun: A relief of the Great Plains in downtown Lincoln, NE.
runshigleyrun: Spring Creek Prairie Center
runshigleyrun: Monarch
runshigleyrun: Spring Creek Prairie Center
runshigleyrun: Spring Creek Prairie Center
runshigleyrun: Schoolhouse on the Prairie
runshigleyrun: Barn Swallow
runshigleyrun: Barn Swallow
runshigleyrun: Barn Swallows on a Rainy Day
runshigleyrun: Spring Creek Prairie Center
runshigleyrun: Spring Creek Prairie Center
runshigleyrun: Common Vervain
runshigleyrun: Eastern Meadowlark
runshigleyrun: Red Mulberry
runshigleyrun: Tall Bellflower
runshigleyrun: American Germander
runshigleyrun: Eastern Cottonwood
runshigleyrun: Clouded Sulphur
runshigleyrun: MIlkweed Tussock Moth Larvae