runrab: Round 1 of Goldsprints
runrab: Round 2 of Gold Sprints versus Evan and he demolished me
runrab: Back of Dude
runrab: American Woodcock
runrab: Night ride with the crew
runrab: Birthday at Relay Ridge
runrab: Going into North Carolina
runrab: Singlespeed when it's muddy
runrab: Early daffodils
runrab: Daffodil closeup
runrab: Daffodil closer up
runrab: Early Spring daffodils
runrab: Waucheesi Gravel race
runrab: Cruising through Norris
runrab: Always have to stop at the overlook on Rich Mountain Road
runrab: Jersey of the day
runrab: Jersey of the day
runrab: Opossum at the Yoyo Ma concert
runrab: Yoyo Ma in concert
runrab: I think I'm seeing frogs
runrab: Frog attack!
runrab: Checking the new trails at Loyston
runrab: Jersey of the day
runrab: Jersey of the day
runrab: Checking out the new Loyston trail
runrab: Jersey of the day
runrab: Jersey of the day
runrab: Time to ride
runrab: Random Friday night
runrab: Ready to start Hartford