runrab: About to depart
runrab: Loaded up
runrab: First stop In-N-Out
runrab: Bachelor and the Three Graces
runrab: Previous forest fires in Mariposa Grove
runrab: Majestic sequoia of Mariposa Grove
runrab: Looking straight up
runrab: Which one is the sequoia pine cone?
runrab: Pinecone between two nuts
runrab: Alan in the sunlight
runrab: Bruce sitting in a root ball
runrab: Alan in the trunk of a sequoia
runrab: View from Wawona Point
runrab: Alan surveying the view from Wawona Point
runrab: Bruce looking out from Wawona Point
runrab: Flowera of Mariposa Grove
runrab: California Tunnel Tree
runrab: Sun rising on Yosemite Valley and what is about to be an incredible day
runrab: Sun rise on Yosemite Valley
runrab: Of no use to these guys
runrab: In the Valley
runrab: Yosemite Valley
runrab: Yosemite Falls
runrab: El Cap
runrab: Lizards on the trail
runrab: Half dome from Four Mile Trail
runrab: Four Mile Trail
runrab: Half Dome
runrab: More Half Dome
runrab: Half Dome, Illiouette Falls, and Vernal Falls